Bed and Breakfast Cleaning in Great Denham

Need help with the cleaning of your Bed & Breakfast?

  • Experienced & insured cleaners
  • Personal account manager keeping track of the services
  • Refilling kitchen products and toiletries
  • All Bedford and Great Denham areas coverage

Use our service and enjoy free time for things that you like to do

Bed and Breakfast Cleaning in Great Denham

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About Bed & Breakfast Cleaning in Great Denham

Cleaning of Bed and Breakfast rooms in Great Denham

When customers stay at your Bed & Breakfast, the cleanliness of the room affects your client's first impression and is one of the elements in assessing your Bed & Breakfast standard. As you know, a large number of customers check the opinions of your Bed & Breakfast online before booking, so as you know, a good rating of your Bed & Breakfast affects the number of customers and decides whether guests will return to your hotel in the future.

You certainly want to ensure that your guests stay in a clean and fresh room! By letting us help with cleaning, you will have time to prepare a delicious breakfast and take care of the office work on your business.

By ordering us to take care of the cleanliness of your apartments, you can be sure of the satisfaction of your customers with the cleanliness in your Bed & Breakfast accommodation.

We will help in cleaning of:

  • Guest rooms
  • Reception areas
  • Conference rooms
  • Toilets
  • Corridors
  • Window cleaning

can work within your schedule to make it happen. We are also able to help with things other than just regular housekeeping. We will work with you to create a plan specifically tailored to suit your needs. Prices starting from £22.99. and we accept all major payment methods: PayPal, Credit Card, Debit Card and Cash.

We are very flexible and we do everything to help our clients, so if you have any additional questions, please contact us.

About Bed and Breakfast Cleaning Great Denham

Hourly rates for Bed and Breakfast cleaning services in Great Denham


Bed and Breakfast Cleaning

£22.99 per hour / per cleaner

min. 2 hours per week

Check what is included in our Bed and Breakfast Cleaning service:

What is included?

  • Bedrooms: wiping the dust in available places; polishing furnitures; vacuuming rugs; sweeping / mopping the floor; cleaning mirrors, cleaning pictures and their frames; wiping all skirtings; empty bins.
  • Bartrooms: sanitise all reachable surfaces; sink; shower / bathtub; sanitise the toilet; polish mirrors; clean the floor; empty bins/change bin bags.
  • Kitchen: wiping and sanitise all reachable surfaces; clean hobs; clean microwave; vacuum and/or mop floor; empty bins/change bin bags; clean all skirtings.
  • Living room: wiping the dust in available places; polishing furnitures; vacuuming rugs; sweeping / mopping the floor; clean skirtings.
  • Hallways & Staircases: acuuming rugs; sweeping / mopping the floor; wipe skirting boards, cleaning of bannisters;
  • Upon request: clean windows inside; linen change; organise clothes in wardrobes; water plants; laundry; ironing.

Important Information

  • Hourly-based Domestic Cleaning Service
  • Professionally Trained & Friendly Cleaners.
  • Same Cleaner every week on request. ( In case of absence or sickness we will provide replacement cleaner ).
  • Domestic cleaning services with minimum charge of 3 hours per visit.
  • Customers need to provide all cleaning materials if not requested on booking form.
  • If cleaning service run over the estimated time, we will charge in 1 hour blocks.
  • Cleaner can stay maximum up to One Hour longer if required.
  • Deposit Payment of 30% required. Remaining balance can be paid by "Cash to the cleaner" or "Online".
  • If you pay "by Cash to the Cleaner on the Day" please note to pay before cleaning service starts.
  • If you need to cancel your booking, make sure to do it 48 hours in advance. If you cancel in less than 48 hours we charge 30% deposit payment.
  • If you need to cancel your contract please let us know at least 2 weeks in advance - no cancelation fee.

Cleaning Service Prices

Weekly & Fortnightly

from £19.49

per hour / per cleaner

Weekly & Fortnightly

from £20.99

per hour / per cleaner

7 Days a Week

from £22.99

per hour / per cleaner

7 Days a Week

from £24.49

per hour / per cleaner

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How much does your company charge for cleaning?
It all depends on the service you choose, how many cleaners you need and the number of hours.
Do all the supplies you use are safe?
All our supplies are safe and harm-free if you feel concerned that the equipment we use might not suit your needs, please let us know and we can discuss or you can let the cleaner use your supplies if you feel like that would be the best option.
How do I get a price for my Cleaning Service?
Please use our booking form to check price instantly on our website. Simply select order details to check the price for a selected number of cleaners and a number of hours you need the service for.
End of Tenacy Cleaning in Bedford

We cover Bedford and surrounding areas